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These terms regulate the use and content of the Internet Portal service (hereafter, Portal or Website) of the STARIA TECHNOLOGIES business group (hereafter, STARIA TECHNOLOGIES), which is available to Internet users.


In accordance with article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby provide you with the information regarding the owner of the website being viewed.

STARIA TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. (hereafter STARIA TECHNOLOGIES) is the owner of the website accessible from the domain www.stariatechnologies.com . STARIA TECHNOLOGIES has a registered office at C/Jaume mimo i Llobet, 59 - 08290 Cerdanyola del Valles, with CIF B67829002, registered in the Barcelona Company Register. Our contact details are: email info@stariatechnologies.com or telephone +34 622 83 60 48

This website features a series of content of an informative nature to present the activities that our business group carries out and the services that we offer. The main objective of this Portal is to provide the public, especially our clients, with information related to our activities and to allow these external agents to contact us.

This website may contain elements subject to protection by intellectual property law and trademark law. Please consult the content related to this point in our terms.

Our website has a Contact section, where visitors can find our contact details and a directory for the companies that make up our group. Please refer to this page if you would like to contact us.


In accordance with the provisions set forth in EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as the legislation on privacy in force at all times, the user is informed that all personal data that may be processed through this website as well as the elements incorporated into the same—cookies or social media—, are processed in accordance with the provisions established in the aforementioned regulation.

We will always respect the confidentiality of your personal data, which will only be used for the purpose of managing any requests that you may make and offering you web information services, as well as for sending technical, commercial or advertising information by ordinary or electronic mail upon request.

STARIA TECHNOLOGIES has established a privacy policy along with some policies associated with the reference standard, which is available on this website. Please consult these policies for more information. If you would like to contact us, you can write to us at the following email address, where we will address your queries regarding the policy on personal data: info@stariatechnologies.com


Access to this website is free. Access and use of the Portal confers, by default, the same User termd (hereafter, User) and also implies acceptance of all the terms, without any reservation whatsoever on the User's part, included in this Legal Notice, other content in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, as well as those that can be derived from current legislation and that are not expressly established in this notice.

The terms of access and use of this website are governed by current law and by the principle of good faith, and the user agrees to use this website properly. Conduct that is not in accordance with the law, violates rights, or is not in accordance with the interests of third parties is not permitted.

Being a user of the STARIA TECHNOLOGIES website implies that you recognise that you have read and accepted these terms and the extent of the legal regulations applicable on this subject. If you do not agree to these terms, do not continue to use this website. Any type of notification and/or complaint shall only be valid if it is made via written notification and/or certified mail.

The terms that regulate the different services available on this website are subject to the following legislation, among others, insofar as it applies: Act 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce; EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation); as well as the privacy legislation in force at all times, Royal Decree-Law No 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the Revised Text of the General Consumer and User Defence Act and other complementary Laws; such as the regulation of intellectual property or regulation of trademark law.

Social Networks

STARIA TECHNOLOGIES is present in social networks, which can be accessed from our website. Twitter®, LinkedIn®, Pinterest® y Google+®. When a user accesses these social networks, they leave our platform and become subject to the terms established by the social network provider. Please read the established terms carefully before accepting access and use of said networks.

When a user enters information or elements on social networks involving our corporate profiles, and this information is contrary to the policy of our company or is contrary to national or international law, third party rights, or morality and public order, it shall be taken down immediately. STARIA TECHNOLOGIES is not responsible for the information and contents stored on forums, social networks, or any other media that allow third parties to publish content independently on the website of the provider.


The contents of this website are of a general nature and are intended to provide information on the activities and the services that STARIA TECHNOLOGIES offers to the general public. STARIA TECHNOLOGIES shall not be responsible for decisions made based on information provided on its Portal nor for the damages caused to the User or third parties due to actions that have been solely based on information obtained from the Portal.

Users must maintain the appropriate availability and security of the elements used to access the internet. STARIA TECHNOLOGIES shall not be held responsible for the damages caused by errors or poor software configurations installed on the computer of the internet user. Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport via telecommunication networks, the reliability, quality, continuity, and function of which do not correspond to STARIA TECHNOLOGIES.

STARIA TECHNOLOGIES does not assume responsibility for the continuous use and availability of this website platform. The non-existence of interruptions or errors when accessing the website is not guaranteed. Furthermore, STARIA TECHNOLOGIES reserves the right to update, modify, or delete information from its website, as well as the right to update the configuration or presentation of the same, at any time and without assuming any responsibility.

Prices visible on our website shall be considered solely as an estimate and not binding. If the user wishes to know the exact prices, they should contact the corresponding department within the company using one of the established methods.

STARIA TECHNOLOGIES is not responsible for the misuse of the portal by its users, the continuity of the web service or the contents offered by other websites or applications which can be accessed from our portal.


STARIA TECHNOLOGIES is the owner or has the corresponding license or transfer of use for the various contents present on its website, including—but not limited to—the brands, texts, photographs, graphics, links, audio-visuals, drawings, designs, software, source code, and information incorporated to that effect, displayed throughout the Web Portal. The rights to the products and services of a public nature that are not owned by this company are exempted. All the products and services incorporated into this site that are NOT the property of STARIA TECHNOLOGIES are registered brands of their respective owners and are recognised as such by our company. They only appear on the website for promotional purposes and for the purpose of gathering information. These owners may request the modification or elimination of the information that pertains to them.

The mere fact that an element appears on this website does not imply the transfer of use to the user. Neither the ownership of the elements nor any right of use is transferred, with the exception of those that are required to display the elements. No material published on this website shall be reproduced, copied, or published without the written consent of STARIA TECHNOLOGIES.

Including, but not limited to the foregoing, Users of the Portal are prohibited from:

  • Commercially exploiting the contents of the Portal, including products derived from the modification, copy, or reuse of said contents.
  • Reproducing, copying, extracting, transferring, or reusing the contents considered to be graphic design, source code, software, or databases for private use or commercial exploitation.

The brands, trade names, or distinguishing signs are owned by STARIA TECHNOLOGIES or third parties that have granted permission for their use. Access to the Portal shall not be understood as granting any rights to said brands, trade names, or distinguishing signs, and the use of same is prohibited except with the express authorisation of STARIA TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. or the third-party owner. The use of our brands or trade names is only authorised to refer to us in the sector as a service provider or supplier. Please contact us so that we can help you when you need to reference us as service providers.

Sharing the link to our website or sections included in the same to refer to the products or services we supply is permitted, unless it is done for competitive purposes or to damage our good name. The owner of the website that links content improperly and contrary to this legal notice shall be responsible for the damages that may be caused to STARIA TECHNOLOGIES or to third parties.

All the information that is received, such as comments, suggestions, or ideas, shall be considered transferred to STARIA TECHNOLOGIES free of charge. Information should not be sent if it CANNOT be treated in this way.


The legal notice shall be valid from the time it is published until it is modified. This Legal Notice and Privacy Policy may be modified by STARIA TECHNOLOGIES at any time, in whole or in part, and Users will be responsible for reviewing its content periodically to verify information. These modifications go into effect from the moment that they are published on the Portal. The date of publication will be established so that Users are aware of the current version.

In the event that any part of these terms is considered null or voidable, or its application is impossible, in whole or in part, due to the application of an amendment to legislation or a judicial sentence or arbitral award, the rest of the notice shall remain in force.


STARIA TECHNOLOGIES reserves the right to take the arbitral actions or legal actions that it considers appropriate in the event that Users utilise this website in an improper or illegal way. The User shall be held liable to STARIA TECHNOLOGIES or to third parties to whom damages may have been caused as a consequence of non-compliance with these obligations.

Not exercising or enforcing the actions or rights against third parties due to non-compliance of the provisions or prohibitions contained in this legal notice by STARIA TECHNOLOGIES shall not constitute renunciation of the same, except when recognised and agreed to in writing by STARIA TECHNOLOGIES.

These general terms are governed by the current laws of Spain and the European Union. Any litigation that may arise in relation to this website or activity carried out thereon shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid, and the user expressly waives any other forum to which they might be entitled.

All the legal information included on this website can be found in different languages to facilitate access to information by any user. When there are discrepancies in the translation of terms in the various languages that have been published, the meaning of the term in the Spanish language shall prevail; therefore, any interpretation of the legal terms of the present website shall be in conformity with information presented in the Spanish language.